What is Hybrid ?
Hybrid is first generation (F1) from crosses between two purelines, inbreds, open pollinated varieties, clones or other populations that are genetically dissimilar.
Types of Hybrids :
- Single cross hybrid: Cross between two unrelated inbred lines (A × B)
- Double cross hybrid: (A×B) x (C×D)
- Three way hybrid: (A × B) × C
- Top cross hybrid: Inbred is crossed with an open-pollinated variety
Hybrid Seed Production Systems :
- 1 line system: Apomixis
- 2 line system: Genetic male sterility (GMS) and Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)
- 3 line system: Cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility (CGMS)
History of Hybrid seed Production in India (In Vegetables)
- In 1973, IAHSC released first tomato (Karnataka) and Capsicum (Bharat) hybrids for commercial cultivation.
- Since 1975, intensive research work has been started by both public and private sectors for exploitation of hybrid vigor in various vegetables crops.
Characteristics of the Solanaceae
- Flower: small to medium & perfect
- Fruit: berry with many seeds.
- Pollination: Self- or often cross-pollinated
Reasons for commercial exploitation of Solanaceous hybrids
- Sufficiently medium flowers facilitates easy emasculation & pollination.
- Availability of pollen in abundance.
- Large number of seeds obtained per pollination/cross.
- Manifestation of heterosis for yield & its components.
- The highly profitable prices obtained from the produce.
- Good response of F1 to better cultural practices, inputs & environment.
Steps for Hybrid Development
- Development of Inbred lines
- Testing the combining ability
a) General Combining Ability
b) Specific Combining Ability
- Production of F1 hybrid seed
Hybrid Seed Production Techniques in Solanaceous crops:
Emasculation: Can be performed at the start of flowering, about 55-65 days after sowing.
Steps in Hybrid Seed Production:
1.Selection of Bud 2.Split open anther cone 3.Removal of petals 4.Removal of anther cone 5.Pollen collection 6.Pollen storage 7.Pollen drying 8.Pollination(a) 9.Pollination(b)
Study done at IARI using male sterile & male fertile lines in Tomato:
- Time saved by male sterile line was 63%.
- Average fruit set by using male sterile line was 79.35%.
- Average fruit set using male fertile line was 65.40%.
- Hybrid seed cost by using male sterile line per kg was Rs. 466/-
- Hybrid seed cost by using male fertile line per kg was Rs. 3691/-
Hybrids released in tomato by private & public sectors:
Name of Hybrid Variety | Institute/Company |
Rupali | Indo-American Hybrid Seeds Co. |
Amogh | Namdhari Seeds Pvt.Ltd. Bangalore |
Pusa Hybrid-1 | IARI, New Delhi |
Pusa Hybrid-2 | IARI, New Delhi |
Pusa Hybrid-4, Pusa Hybrid-8, | IARI, New Delhi |
Arka Shreshta, Arka Rakshak | IIHR, Bangalore |
ArkaVardan, Arka Samrat | IIHR, Bangalore |
Arka Vishal, Arka Ananya | IIHR, Bangalore |
Solan Sindhur, Solan Garima, Solan Sagun | UHF, Nauni, Solan |
F1 Hybrids in Brinjal:
Public Sector Variety Name
GAU (Anand) : ABH-1(SR), ABH-2(SR)
IARI (New Delhi) : Pusa Hybrid-5, Pusa Hybrid-6, Pusa Hybrid-9
IIHR (Banglore) : Arka Navneet, Arka Aanand
NDUAT (Faizabad) : NDBH-1, NDBH-6
GBPUA&T : Pant Hybrid 1
Private Sector Variety Name
Ankur : ARBH-201, AHB-2, AHB-4
Indo-American : Suphal
MAHYCO : MHB-1, MHB-2, MHB-10, MHB-11, MHB-56
Sumex ` : Sumex 9, Sumex 19
Sungrow : Kanhaya, Navkiran
Century : Nisha, Vardaan, Shiva
F1 Hybrids in Chilli
Public Sector Variety Name
PAU (Ludhiana) : CH-1, CH-3
IIHR : Arka Suphal, Arka Meghana, Arka Sweta, Arka Harita
Private Sector Variety Name
Hung Nong : Delhi Hot, Hot Green, Skyline
Mahyco : Tejaswini
Sandoj : Agni
Practical tips for hybrid seed production in Solanaceous vegetables:
- Fermentation method of seed extraction gives better seed recovery, however acid and alkali extraction can be employed where temperature is too low.
- Planting ratio of male to female lines in hybrid seed production plot of brinjal can be increased to 1:10
- Axial flow vegetable seed extractor can be used economically in brinjal
- Minimum isolation distance of 225 m in chilli is safe for hybrid seed production under north Indian conditions.
- Fully ripe fruits should be used for seed extraction in chilli.
- Seed production cost can be reduced by using male sterility system or androcides in all these crops.
- Hybrid seed production starts very early but still its coverage is not satisfactory.
- It should be popularize among rural masses not only for increasing production but also it help to give employment to rural youth and women in particular.
- Standardization of research at molecular level.
- Utilization of transgenic technology.
Kanwar et al ,2014..Advances in Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops, Publisher: Department of Vegetable Science Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni -173 230 Solan, Himachal Pradesh, pp.19-37.
Nascimento et al., 2003. Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, 27 (Especial): 1662-671.
R.T. Opeña, J.T. Chen, T. Kalb and P. Hanson October 2001 Hybrid Seed Production in Tomato AVRDC pub # 01-527.
Tewari G., Ram, R. N. and Singh A (2018). Effect of plant base digestive enzyme ‘Papain’ on growth, survival and behavioural response of Cyprinus carpio. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies: 6(3): 210-214.
Sushma Sharma ,Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Seed Science and Technology CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar: VOL. NO. XVII, ISSUE NO. 03
Author Details:
Shaik Moulana
Research Associate, Banana Research Station,
Dr.YSR Horticulture university, Pulivendula, YSR Kadapa (Dist.), Andhra Pradesh-516390
Email: moulana1995@gmail.com