We take great pleasure in inviting you all to the “6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES (ICAATAS 2023) on June 19-21, 2023 (IN HYBRID MODE)” being organized by the Society of Agriculture Research & LOYOLA ACADEMY, SECUNDERABAD, TELANGANA), Sponsored by OIL INDIA & Scientific Partnered by “SolResLab”. We hope that you will grace the conference with your presence, which will provide you with an opportunity to meet with National- International resource persons, colleagues, and friends working in the area of Agriculture and Allied Sciences.
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We look forward to seeing you as a participant at ICAATAS 2023!
Akinik Publication-An International Journal with NAAS RATING 5.23
International Journal of Entomology Research- Web of Science indexed
Plant Science Today, Scopus Indexed Journal (Q3)
Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, Scopus & Web of Science Indexed (Q3, Special Issue)
International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, NAAS RATING- 4.98 ( Only Selected Papers )
International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, NAAS RATING- 5.12 ( Only Selected Papers )
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry, NAAS RATING- 4.62 ( Only Selected Papers )
Sponsored Partners:
Oil India
SolResLab- Solutions for Research Laboratories
Knowledge Partners:
IIMR-Indian Institute of millets research
IIRR- Indian Institute of Rice Research
Telangana Mahila Vishwavidhyalaya, Telangana
IIOR- Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad
TNU-The Neotia University, West Bengal
Parul University, Gujrat
College of Agriculture, Tripura
Asian PGPR Society
Plant Protection Association of India, Hyderabad
Centurion University
Society for Advancement of Rice Research
Abhinava Krishi Research Organization, Sambalpur, Odisha
Agroforestry systems can be playing an advantageous role over conventional agricultural and forest production methods. They can offer increased productivity; social, economic and environmental benefits, as well as greater diversity in the ecological goods and services provided. Multipurpose trees are also a part of the agroforestry system. In addition to providing fodder, fuel, wood, and other products, trees in agroforestry systems promote soil and water conservation, enhance soil fertility, and act as windbreaks for nearby crops. Multipurpose tree species that is purposefully grown so as to provide two or more than two products and also service function like shelter, shade, land sustainability of the land-use system. Fodder trees are important feed sources for livestock in a wide range of farming systems over the world.
Low quality and quantity of feeds are major constraints limiting livestock productivity among smallholder farmers. In many country’s farmers have fed tree foliage to their livestock for centuries, using wild browse or trees that grow naturally on their farms. New agroforestry systems for feeding livestock have emerged over the last three decades, involving the planting of mostly exotic species, grown most frequently in hedges along field boundaries or along the contours to limit soil erosion.
As mentioned above the Monkey jack (Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb.) is an important agroforestry species. The lakoocha is one such important multipurpose plant species member of the family Moraceae. Lakoocha is a tropical tree species widely distributed in the countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. It is generally found in Sub-Himalayan humid regions of India and grows up to an altitude of 1200 A MSL (Dwivedi et al., 2011).
Lakoocha is a medium to large deciduous or evergreen tree. The deciduous period is very short in Eastern India which generally commences in February and ends in early March. The deciduous period has been reported to be absent in Western Ghats (Krishnamurthy and Sarala., 2013). It can grow up to 15 m in height and makes a handsome ornamental tree. The leaves are oblong, acute, alternate, 10-25 cm, long, glossy green on the upper side whereas old leaves are rough. Lakoocha is a multipurpose tree that provides fruit, fodder, fuel, timber, medicine, dye and thick shade. The large leaves are excellent fodder and contain 16 per cent crude protein (Kharel et al., 2000). A single tree can produce 60 to 200 kg of leaves per year (Orwa et al., 2009). It is considered as one of the best forages for milch animals due to its palatability and nourishing values in Nepal and fodder for goats in Jharkhand (Dhungana et al., 2012).
A single fruit weighing between 250 g and 300 g contains 10-30 seeds that are irregular in shape and vary in size. The seeds containing white sticky latex are highly recalcitrant and are dispersed by birds and monkeys (Orwa et al., 2009 and Islam et al., 2016). Fresh fruits and seeds have high nutritional and medicinal value. The unripe fruit and male flower spike are used as vegetables and also used to make pickles, sauce and chutney. The fruits are sweet-sour in taste. The edible pulp is reported to have hepatoprotective properties due to the presence of antioxidants (Gautam and Patel., 2014) and is considered a liver tonic (Hari et al., 2014). It is used in anti-inflammatory therapy and also as an anti-ageing agent (Mongolsuk et al., 1957). The powdered bark is used as a paste for curing skin ailments like boils, pimples, and sores etc. Lakoocha is reported to be widely used in the ethnomedicinal formulations by the tribal people of Jharkhand (Pandey and Bhatnagar., 2009).
(Photographs taken from forestry farm of College of Horticulture and forestry at Khaggal, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh (one single tree from natural germination)
Artocarpus lakoocha is a potential tree species for nutrition, poverty alleviation, environmental, agricultural and forest ecosystem diversification and is capable of creating new market opportunities for livelihood security. Hence, a number of problems are associated with the regeneration and propagation of lakoocha including, (1) tree population of lakoocha is gradually decreasing due to its extensive exploitation for food, fodder, timber and other uses; (2) seeds, once extracted from the fruit, quickly lose viability within a week, or sometimes even in few days; and (3) vegetative propagation methods such as rooting of hardwood or softwood stem cuttings have not been successful (Napier and Robbins, 1989). Budding has been reported to be successful with only a single report in Western Himalaya (Sharma et al., 2005).
Pic.3#Fruits of A.lakoocha
It belongs to family Moraceae other fruit like Jack fruit, Bread fruit belongs from same family. These are sour in test and the edible pulp is reported to have hepatoprotective properties due to the presence of antioxidants (Gautam and Patel., 2014) and is considered as a liver tonic (Hari et al., 2014). Photographs taken from forestry farm of College of Horticulture and forestry at Khaggal, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh (one single tree from natural germination).
Leaves of A. lakoocha containing moisture (61.0%), total ash (8.0%), crude protein (28.6%), crude fat (1.52%), crude fibres (26.3%) and carbohydrates (0.84%) respectively. Due to the high amount of protein content and palatability, it will help to eradicate fodder deficiency in dry months. It’s containing a higher amount of crude protein it will help to enhance milk production in milch animals even though it can help to maintain body weight and reproduction. By considering the importance of this tree it will provide help to provide an ample amount of essential nutrients to livestock in each and every season.
Gupta A K, Rather M A, Kumar Jha A, Shashank A, Singhal S, Sharma M, Pathak U, Sharma D and Mastinu. 2020. A. Artocarpus lakoocha roxb. and Artocarpus heterophyllus lam. flowers: New sources of bioactive compounds. Plants. 9:1329.
Sharma K and Thakur S. 2005. Vegetative Multiplication of Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. a Hard to Root Species. Indian Forester131:259-260.
Napier I and Robbins M. 1989. Forest seed and nursery practice in Nepal.” Forest seed and nursery practice in Nepal 412p.
Mongolsuk S, Robertson A and Towers R. 1957. 429. 2: 4: 3′: 5′-Tetrahydroxystilbene from Artocarpus lakoocha. Journal of the Chemical Society 92: 2231-2233.
Kanak A R, Khan M J, Debi M R, Pikar M K and AktarM. 2013. Nutritive value of three fodder species at different stages of maturity. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 41: 90- 95.
Islam S M, Hasan F M, Ali M, Robbani M and Hossain T M. 2016. Socioeconomic potential of monkey jack: a promising underutilized fruit in Bangladesh. International Journal of Innovative Research1:40-44.
Gautam P and Patel R. 2014. Artocarpus Lakoocha Roxb: An Overview. European Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1:10-14.
Dwivedi D H, Mishra V, Singh N and Dwivedi S K. 2011. Genetic Variability Studies in Barhal Emile, Jean-Claude. Nutritive value and degradability of leaves from temperate woody resources for feeding ruminants in summer. 3rd European Agroforestry Conference Montpellier pp. 23-25.
Orwa C, Mutua A, Kindt R, Jamnadass R and Simons A. 2009. Agroforestree Database: a tree reference and selection guide. Version 4. Agroforestree Database: a tree reference and selection guide. Version 4.
Krishnamurthy S R and Sarala P. 2013. Phytochemical studies of Artocarpus gomezianus Wall. ex Trecul. var. lakoocha Roxb. fruits collected from various altitudes of Central Western Ghats. Indian Journal of Natural Product and Resources4:398-411.
Kharel R, Amatya S M and Basukala R. 2000. Survival and growth of selected fodder species in Dhading, Kabhra and Sindhupalchok districts. Proceedings of the national-level Workshop on Improved Strategies for Identifying and Addressing Fodder Deficits in the Mid-Hills of Nepal (Eds Khare, R, Amataya SM, Kiff L. and Regmi, BN) Department of Forest Research and Survey, Kathmandu. 13p.
Pandey A, Bhatnagar SP. 2009. Antioxidant and Phenolic Content of the Bark of Artocarpus lakoocha. The Pharma Review1:23-8.
Dhungana S, Tripathee H P, Puri L, Timilsina Y P and Devkota, K P. 2012. Nutritional Analysis of Locally Preferred Fodder Trees of Middle Hills of Nepal: A Case Study from Hemja VDC, Kaski District. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology13: 39-44.
Hari A, Revikumar K G and Divya D. 2014. Artocarpus: A review of its phytochemistry and pharmacology. Journal of Pharma Search 9: 7-12.
During Rabi season harvest period in the year 2020 there was a strange situation where farmers in the Hirakud Command area faced a shortage of labourer. It went on until the Kharif harvest time till now. Before Covid, farmers used to bring in labor mass from farther areas who were available with cheaper wages . Due to Covid, the transportation was hampered as well as the local labor were not willing to show up to work because of the fear of the novel corona virus. The harvester machines available had to take turns to cover all the fields which was time taking and they stayed unharvested for a prolonged time with ripened rice gains.
(Pic.1 #Wet Rice crop spread over road of Farmer Babulal Pradhan and Ishwara Pradhan at Bargaon, Bargarh in Odisha)
The same problem again arises this year. Farmers were learning from their mistakes and making advance arrangements to overcome it. In the mean time , rain comes unexpectedly to wipe out their hopes. Unavailability of labors and harvesting machines has again put the ripened crop to germinate in the field. Now the problems with the token system and mills not accepting low quality crop has added on to farmers’ problems.
This situation can be studied to prepare for how to take the rice production in the area to the next level . Bargarh being called the rice bowl of Odisha has a high productivity rate still there are various constraints that pull them back from enhancing the production exponentially in a sustainable way. I believe these problems does occur in other parts of India as well.One of the various such constraints includes peasant farming(the individual farmer is the owner, manager and organizer of the whole farm).Now this can be overcome by cooperative farming. This is not the end to various existing problems but definitely a strong solution.
Farmers in Remunda area of Bargarh have already adopted it. Maharastra is the pioneer state in India which is taking advantages of various government acts associated with it. If there was cooperative farming in the previous situation the farmers might not have to wait with so much of uncertainty for harvesting or crop loss of any amount. In addition to that, the in-discussion system of farming has various advantages which would attract small and marginal farmers.
Let’s have a look, HOW!!!
Cooperativefarming is when various small or marginal farmers farm collectively and when the crop is harvested the revenue is distributed among the farmers according to the area of their personal land holdings. This was started by the first Jewish agricultural cooperative,”Kvutzat Degania” in the year 1909 in Palestine. The land holdings, livestock, labor and other such resources are pooled and used collectively. It helps in use of those resources in the best way possible while making collective purchase of inputs that decreases the overall input cost. The management decisions are taken by a managing committee elected by them. Members join voluntarily. It runs with one man one vote principle. In Cooperative farming farmers retain the right to their land .
It helps majorities having economic backwardness achieve a common economic aim. With increase in debt seen among Indian farmers the Government of India started working on various problems in Indian agriculture and cooperative movement is one of them , which is still under debate and researches are going on starting from Cooperative Planning Committee(1946) to Vyas Committee (2001/2004). It is said to “have immense potential to deliver goods and services in areas where the government and private sector failed to reach.”
Looking at the diversity in farming system in India, cooperative farming also has its categories. According to All India Cooperative planning committee (1955) ;
i) Cooperative Better Farming Society
ii)Cooperative Joint Farming Society
iii)Cooperative Tenant Farming Society
iv) Cooperative Collective Farming Society
They have difference in terms of ownership and operatorship of farming only. Both ownership and operatorship is individual in case of cooperative better and cooperative collective . In cooperative joint, ownership is individual and operatorship is collective where as in cooperative tenant is the exact opposite in this perspective.
Economies of Scale:
Various problems that arise with various practices during cultivation even with application of government policies due to micro fragmentation of Indian lands can be solved by Cooperative farming. Investments that’s are not feasible for scattered plot can be undertaken on such lands for example for farm mechanization mostly heavy equipment like harvesters . Irrigation schemes are useless on fragmented plots because all others quality of irrigation water would go waste where the water can be properly utilized through enlargement of the area of operation.
Many critics suggest that yield per hectare would be increased with the help of collective farming. Looking at per man hour yield per worker can be raised. To be precise economies of scale is positively associated with pooling of land of numerals farmers.
Reducing agricultural labor force(more employment in non agricultural fields):
Higher productivity per worker in agriculture is required for faster economic progress.
As Prof. D. Bhattacharya has rightly commented: “It helps to release workers for non-agricultural work whose scope greatly expands with economic progress. At the same time supply of agricultural products can be maintained to meet the requirements of workers working outside agriculture. The process of industrialization in India depends to a very large extent on the increased productivity of the workers in agriculture.”
Having more to offer:
Having more to market because of the huge hoard of strobe outcome the farmers would have increased quantum of marketable surplus rather than an individual farmer. It is said, “the quantum of marketable surplus generated from the agricultural sector is an important determinant of a country’s material progress.” But policies and plans have failed in India in this case since ages.
Ease for the administrator:
This farming is advantageous to the government .The smaller the number of agricultural farms the easier it is for the government to collect taxes, distribute subsidies and, generally, introduce better agricultural practices and mechanization.
More money to invest(more credit):
Although there has been visible change in micro financing large forms always attract financing institutions more than smaller ones. Without sufficient credit it is not possible to derive advantages of farming in a commercial way.
Some member-farmers seem to work less vigorously because they’ll get the same amount of profit in proportion of the land owned anyway.
Farmers with political agendas and caste affiliations and other such personal interest seeking personnel don’t allow the cooperation smoothly.
Farmers are afraid of record making .
Taxation is another fear for farmers.
Most of the farmers still use traditional methods of farming.
Lack of ambition among farmers resist them from equipping with modern technology or earning more .
The grant from the state government cannot be accessed as a collective because the government officials are reluctant to release such a huge amount of money in favor of farmers. If at all, the government decided to give farmers of the state a nominal sum of subsidy, the officials involved from the government indulge in corruption for smooth channelization of funds from the government treasury to the farmer’s beneficiary account.
Even though they get a huge load of production , market availability and transportation would emerge as a basic problem.
Older farmers are resistant to change while youngsters are not interested in farming these days.
Prof. D. Bhattacharya comments: “The chances of genuine co-operation among India’s peasantry, however, are so small at present that large-scale expansion of co-operative farming is unlikely to take place in the near future.”
When we come to the bare ground we see that there is a need of proper training to farmers in cooperative methods. This method is likely to be accepted by the targeted farmers (small and marginal) only if it penetrates into the system in a systematic way with proper plans, policies ,financing, subsidies or so. The indications that we get from the market preferences or the mind set of farmers now a days in the current situation cooperative system of farming among the Indian people is very unlikely to be adopted.
A proper plan with proper implementation while taking various factors in mind, utilising various tools of agricultural extension, educating rural people and clearly demonstrating the superiority of cooperative farming over the present small-scale peasant farming practices might change the scene.
•Agricultural Economics by Subba Reddy,P Raghuram , T.V.N. Sastry, I. Bhawani Devi
•An Introduction to Social Sciences by Subhash Chandra, Suresh Kumar , K.C. Bairwa
pic 1.#Black rice (Manipuri Cha Khao) cultivation at Deogaon, Bolangir, Odisha.
Health and purity are the two basic food needs of the current urban as well as rural life in this pandemic era. India is the home of many indigenous, very much healthy and organically grown food crops. Whenever people search for a food with these qualities they always choose something indigenous in origin and organic in production. While looking at the rice, one of the staple foods of India, the famous black scented rice of Manipur has come out as a very good option for being nutritious and organic. This Indian Black rice cultivar of Manipur, locally known as Cha-Khao(Oryza sativa L.) has recently got the GI tag (GI Reg. No. 602) in 2020, due to its unique aroma and attractive colour. This is a very popular black rice variety cultivated in all the states of North East India and constitutes around 10% of Manipur’s total rice production. Now-a-days this variety is also grown organically by the farmers of Western Odisha. The origin of Cha-Khao in Manipur is believed to be linked with the first Manipur inhabitants, may be the Meiteis or the Buddhist monks in 400 BC. Cha-Khao Poireiton and Cha-Khao Amubi are the two main types of this rice cultivar.
pic 2.# Black rice after milling using rubber seller at our farm location (Bolangir,Odisha)
The dark purple coloured outer bran layer and the unique aroma are the distinct characteristic features of Cha-Khao while being cultivated in the soil of Manipur over centuries. As the high-yielding variety of this black scented rice seeds got introduced, this could emerge as a gluten-free super food rich in fibre, vitamins and antioxidants. It owes an attractive colour due to a natural black colouring pigment called anthocyanin, which adds an excellent anti-oxidant quality and other health benefits to this rice variety. In addition to reduction of inflammation level in the body it also prevent and manage the problems like atherosclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, arthritis, allergies, aging signs and even cancer.
Total crude protein
Total carbohydrate
Total fat
Curde fibre
pic.3#Normal rice having 5-6% protein where as black rice having richest source of protein(10-12%) among all other rice varieties.
24.06 mg
58.46 mg
1.03 mg
4.30 mg
0.43 mg
23.34 mg
Total anthocyanin (Cyanidin 3-glucoside)
69.2-74.0 mg
Total phenolic (Gallic acid equivalent)
500 and 577 mg
pic.4# it contains essential mineral nutrients and its also rich in iron, calcium and magnesium and antioxidants like anthocyanin which acts as protector against different diseases.
Cha-khao is consumed mainly after being cooked as rice or kheer. In Manipur, it is served during communal feasts and ceremonies as Cha-Khao kheer. Some value added products that can be prepared are powder rice, suji (flour), syrup, chocolate, beer, wine, cake, bread, flattened rice, paratha, ladoo, other sweetened food and cosmetic items.
pic.5# Black rice kheer.
Being a potential source of anti-oxidative phytochemicals and useful ingredient for nutraceuticals, Cha-khao rice extracts can also be used in medicinal purposes. Some of the nutraceutical compounds present which can be extracted economically from this rice are tocotrienols, gamma amino butyric acid, oryzanol, rice bran saccharine, lutein, zeaxanthin, butylate hydro anisole, phytosterol, etc. This rice extract can also be used as natural colour to efficiently substitute the toxic synthetic ones.
pic.6#Black rice cultivation in medium type land (Mal Jameen) at Bolangir,Odisha during kharif season(2020).
Climate and Soil:
A moderately cool climate is suitable for the cultivation of Manipuri Cha-Khao black rice. Other than the north-eastern regions of India, it has also been grown successfully in western districts of Odisha. So it is very much suitable for cultivation in plateau and hilly places with medium and upland fields and a varied soil type like loamy, laterite and red.
Seed sowing and transplanting:
For 1 acre of land the seed requirement for sowing is 10 kg in line transplanting method and 5 kg in SRI method of rice cultivation.
Seed availability:Seed is available between December to January*.
(*Due to high demand the seed availability duration is quite less. So, please confirm your order amount for the black rice seeds as early as possible)
The seed has a self-life of 6-8 months. So sowing can be done in January (Rabi crop) or can be stored for 4-5 months to sow during May-June (Kharif crop). For better yield, transplanting method is adopted which can be Line or SRI method. Here the seeds are sown in a nursery for raising seedling and then transplanted to the field at 18-21 days after sowing.
Cultivation in field:
Manipuri Cha-Khao is a medium duration paddy crop taking 120 days for maturation. So, two crops can be grown in a year. The crop grows to a height of 4-4.5 feet. Growing organically makes this crop more authentic and valuable in terms of its unique values, demand and delicacy. So use of Jibamrit, vermicompost and Biofertiliser as nutrients for the crop is advised in the place of any chemical fertiliser. Its panicle initiation and grain filling are same as the common paddy.
Harvesting and Yield:
The paddy is harvested after 120 days of transplanting. It gives an average yield of 12-15 quintal per acre.
For easy marketing of this highly demanded and valued rice, we provide support with prior agreement with individual farmer or NGOs or farm Producers Company or SHGs. But our support will be there only if the party should follow the procedure of organic package and practices developed by Abhinavakrishi Research Organisation, Sambalpur, Odisha.
India is a land of agriculture and presently there is 159.7 million hectare arable land i.e. second largest after United State. From ancient time agriculture is the main profession of the people of India. In India agriculture is not only the profession but also the people of India see it as a way of living and they also relate it with their dignity and probity. Though it is well known, that in a developing country like India the maximum number of people depend on agriculture for their livelihood and indeed they live a dignified life.
picture.1 The younger generations of a farmers family busy transplanting rice seedlings at Ghazipur,Varanasi,UttarPradesh
Why we are saying that Agriculture is the ultimate savior? The main reason can be understand after getting some information from history about several pandemics that had been faced by the world and not only the pandemic but also World War or when there is economics crisis in the world, since the middle age, about a dozen of notable pandemics including COVID 19 outbreak and two world war which causes a massive destruction. Since 1900, there have been 8 pandemic in the world, among that some of the majors are, The Spanish flu (1918), The AIDS (1981), The MERS (2012) epidemics, West Africa Ebola (2013) and the current ongoing pandemic COVID 19 had infected more then 110 countries of the world. The only one thing is common in these pandemic is that ultimately many of the unemployed people who lost their jobs in these pandemic fell back on Agriculture for their livelihood. Like every profession even agriculture has a limited capacity to absorb unemployed people but the main important thing is, having limited capacity, agriculture will not lead any individual to die of Starvation though it lead to increase in Hidden unemployment (prachhann berojgari).
picture 2.Two young researcher doing their research work on application of growth regulators on Allahabad Safeda Guava at Prayagraj,UttarPradesh
Pandemic had adversely affected the supply chain of the nation so that many of the necessary things are not available to number of people. They are searching for the alternative of the utmost priority goods and services but they fail to do so and they have only one hope and that is Agriculture. In the circumstances like pandemic where survival is of utmost priority and people are suffering from fear of losing job and indeed they are losing, high risk of future uncertainty, and also suffering from different abnormal mental health condition like Depression, in that circumstances agriculture has been raised like Savior to mankind. Agriculture, along with providing job, food to people and mitigating their risk of livelihood it also act as a psychiatrist because agriculture is also a medium of entertainment, one can be physically strong and fit if he/she is regularly working in field and also having healthy food.
People who had lost their job in these pandemic they are migrating from city/town to Villages as in city they don’t have any alternate job upon which the can fall. Those people who have small holding they will grow something to full fill their and family needs. And those people who are landless they will take field either on sharing or they will work as Agriculture labor. In short we can say that with limited resources agriculture may not have the capacity to full fill the unlimited wants of the people but agriculture do have capacity to satisfy the hunger of the people.