3days Intensive Training Program on Organic Farming, Agro Ecology, Homatherapy , Briksha Ayurveda(26th to 28th may 2018 at Kamgaon Junior College, Kamgaon, Bargarh, Odisha)

The 3day intensive training program on the above aspects was a successfully completed with the kind support and blessings of all our farmer’s. This 3days training program mostly focuses on the current position of health statistics of Indian people. The 4 different non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart, cancer, and allergy which is causing a higher impact on human health and death statistics. According to one report of WHO more than 70 percent of all diseases in human is directly due to polluted food and environment, where using heavy use of pesticides is one of the major factors. The Bargarh district of Odisha is suffering a lot in terms of its deteriorating health statistics due to cancer, heart, kidney which is very nicely explained by our Resource person Sri Dibendu Sahu (BHMS GARPOS PHC) on the first day(26th) of the training program. On the second half of 1st day, Sri Sudam Sahu explained about the importance of conservation of Biodiversity and it’s proper utilization and exploitation for the benefit of human society and for good health of human, soil and environment. He shared his experiences during his Visit to Punjab in the late nineties to a different district like Bathinda, Patiala and expressed his concerned that like Cancer express running from Bathinda Punjab to Jaisalmer Rajasthan, a new trained will be named as Cancer express which will start from Bargarh to New Delhi. On the second day of the training program, we had a visit to the seed conservatory unit of Sri Sudam Sahu ji where we have found more than 460 varieties of indigenous heirloom seeds of Rice. According to one report, we had more than 20000 varieties of indigenous landraces of rice before the green revolution which was the sole cause to destroy our diversity of food habits and our heirloom seeds. It’s very very positive sign and noteworthy that in spite of many challenges and lack of any financial support Sri Sudam Sahu sole-handedly with support from his wife and parents is able to conserve such a huge diversity of rice germplasm. He has also developed 6 different varieties of rice by the crossing of two different varieties through the process of natural outcrossing in rice which maximum 2 to 3 percentage. Along with rice he has conserved more than 60 different indigenous vegetables seeds. On the second half of Ist day, many our guests of our program Sri Jagadish Pradhan (SAHABHAGI BIKAS ABHIYAN,) (Former Member Commission of Farmers in Agriculture, GOI) Focused on how to market all different kinds of agriculture products through FPO model. Currently, his NGO SBA (SAHABHAGI BIKAS ABHIYAN) is working in all over Odisha and supporting more than 60 FPO (FARMER’S producer’s organization’s) at states level of Odisha. Sri Narinder Singh Jhinjha ( member Bharatiya Kisan union) focused on the current situation of his native place Punjab and made our Farmers of Odisha aware about the situation that Odisha should not become like Punjab. Odisha should not lose its agro biodiversity in terms of grains, pulses, vegetables and fruits species.
Sri Afzal Zafri along with Karan Rao from Focus on the global south (an international research policy organization) was our organizing partner for the 3 day’s training program. Sri Afzal Zafri sir focused on WTO world trade agreements made by Government of India and due to that FTA Free trade agreements 1992 what Indian Farmers and rural primary Growers are suffering. He focuses on how to combat the current situation of distress sell by studying the international market. Sri Amiya Prasad Sahu (Seed Incharge) agriculture department focuses on conservation of indigenous seeds which is the need of the hour and to preserve as more as possible.
On the second half of the second day, Sri Subash Sharma ji from Yavatmal district of Maharashtra who is a Natural Farming TRAINER delivered his power point presentation of his concept of natural farming model. He focused on the base of agriculture and evolutionary relationships among all the life forms on earth surface to maintain a natural balance. He focused on his own natural concept of preparation of Aluakik Khad which works as a microbial biofertilizer and increase soil fertility and nutrient status which is very much beneficial for Organic crop production. Apart from Aluakik khad his concept of indigenous cow farming by just make them roam free in a particular area where they will get green for their fees and their compost dropping and cow urine increases the soil fertility status of that Particular surrounded are which he termed “Mukt Gau Krishi”. He has focused on the evolution of nature with respect to agriculture in his powerpoint presentations
On the third day of the program, Sri Subash Sharma ji demonstrated the concept of maintaining biodiversity in plot and making deep trenches which helps to conserve water and increase the status of soil water by making deep trenches along the borders of the field.
He practically demonstrated how to prepare Aluakik khad by mixing gobar, pulses remains, Gur and Gomutra.
On the second half of the closing date (28th), our team abhinavakrishi Sambalpur felicitated all our Dias members with a sambalpuri towel which is made of pure and natural cotton. The team abhinavakrishi Sambalpur awarded a farmer name (Sri Sabda Padhan from Baragad village of Bargarh district) who had able to make a profit of more than 1 lakhs just by selling different post-harvest products of tomato like seeds,pulp powder ,sauce,puree, tomato powder chocolate at that time when people were suffering by selling direct tomato at 2₹ per kg and bearing heavy loss. He was awarded “the Abhinavakrishi samman 2018” because of successful marketing of agriculture produce. Along with him, Sri Vishal Singh of KVSS(KAIBLAYA BICHAR SEVA SAMITI) was also awarded due to his extraordinary activities in promotion of cow based Organic Farming among the rural areas of Odisha. Sri Chakra Pradhan popularly called as lemon tree doctor also demonstrated his concept of identifying insects pest by using a stethoscope. He was awarded from Rashtrapati Pratibha Devi Singh Patil during 2010 at New Delhi due to his innovative approach towards identifying pests in different fruiting trees and how to control them.
Along with the training program an exhibition was held where different kinds of indigenous rice along with turmeric powder and vermicompost was shown. On behalf of focus on the global south, all the Farmers were given a set of 10 different books on the concept of natural farming, agro ecology, wto agreement etc. Organic food with indigenous rice like kusum kali, sunakathi, Jhilli, HMT super fine along with traditional dishes like (Letha: vegetables soup,) was served to all along using sal leaf plates which were the main attraction of this program. Along with nicotine free herbal Drink called “Pea Sakti” which is made. from the collection of different herbs and roots which helps to increase the digestive capacity of our stomach.
At the end of the third day(28th) conclusion was given by team abhinavakrishi Sambalpur to build a team in all over Odisha and to work together for the better and effective promotion of natural farming along with proper marketing by developing value chain for Organic food items for the benefit of small and marginal Farmers of Odisha…
Sri Chakra Pradhan gave indigenous seed packets to all as prasad of the training program. All the members who had attended the program here by promised to take care of the biodiversity and its conservation by conservation of different heirloom seeds.
Jai Bharat Jai Kisan…